Varicose veins are generally caused when the pumping valves stop functioning properly. They can appear as raised above the skin (generally classified as large and medium varicose veins) or small, red an unraised which are generally classified as spider veins or the technical term, telangiectasia.

Varicose veins affect over 50% of the population. Due to hormonal factors, it is three times more common among women than men. Varicose veins are mostly caused by heredity, but can also be brought on by pregnancy, aging, obesity and working in a prolonged standing position. They are the first sign of venous malfunction and can lead to multiple symptoms such as aching, pain, heaviness, itching, swelling, cramping and nocturnal restless legs. They can be complicated by clotting (superficial thrombophlebitis) or bleeding.

If left untreated, 20-30% of patients will develop more advanced signs of venous incompetence like hyperpigmentation (irreversible browning of the skin), lipodermatosclerosis (inflammatory thickening of the skin) and ultimately venous ulcers (skin breakdown with chronic wounds).

There is a very small increase (<5%) in the risk of deep vein clotting (deep vein thrombosis) which in itself is dangerous because it can lead to pulmonary emboli (clot travelling to the lungs) and needs to be anticoagulated.

View video explaining the difference between spider veins and varicose veins.

There is a very small increase (<5%) in the risk of deep vein clotting (deep vein thrombosis) which in itself is dangerous because it can lead to pulmonary emboli (clot travelling to the lungs) and needs to be anticoagulated.


There are multiple solutions to eliminate or reduce the appearance of varicose and spider veins. The challenge in treating varicose veins lives in the ability of a well-trained physician being capable of interpreting the clinical manifestations and Doppler ultrasound when indicated. The treatment strategy is usually multifaceted and needs to be tailored to each patient. Every patient should be compliant with the use prescribed compression stockings.

The treatment options include Sclerotherapy, which is a method of injecting either a special saline (for veins 1-3 mm) or Foam Sclerotherapy (greater than 3mm) solution into larger spider and reticular veins which causes them to shrink, and Endovenous Ablation Techniques which treats larger and deeper varicose veins caused by venous incompetence.


Your first meeting will be with a vascular surgeon, a true vein specialist who will examine the varicose veins which bother you, offer the appropriate diagnostic workup and explain the available treatment options.

Dr. Ruz leads the team of vascular interventionists in all locations of Victoria Park Medispa and will ensure a high-quality treatment sequence.
If you or a loved one believe that you are suffering from some form of vascular disease, it’s important to contact a trusted physician with a special emphasis and extensive experience in vascular diagnosis and surgery.

Dr. Ricardo Ruz holds a special qualification in vascular surgery and brings a conscientious approach when it comes to your vascular concerns. Without question, you can be sure that all of your options for long-term health will be given to you.

When you choose Dr. Ricardo Ruz, you are choosing a health care provider, who will ensure the most up to date, highest quality care available using state-of-the-art medical technologies. Whether you are seeking an initial examination or a second opinion for your condition, Dr. Ruz and his staff are available to discuss further options and consult on possible treatments.



The best way of preventing varicose veins from effecting you is to choose your parents wisely. Now that you have already done that, understand that most often the occurrence of venous insuffiency or varicosities is not within your control.

While diet, lifestyle and smoking do directly effect the arteries, they have no direct effect on veins. Indirectly, conditions such as constipation can cause an increase in abdominal pressure, which can increase pressure on the veins of the legs.

Support hose can be worn and may even give someone with symptoms from varicose veins relief but compression stockings will not prevent varicose veins from enlarging or cure them.

Maintain a normal body weight as obesity does contribute to varicose veins. Does exercise cause veins to worsen is a common question, and the answer is we just don’t know. Both varicose veins and spider veins often show up more with intense exercise but then look better when returning to normal non-exercising activity. Even simple walking is an exercise so it’s not possible to say if exercise helps or worsens leg veins.

Leg elevation is sometimes suggested but often impractical for most busy people. Even if you were to elevate your legs daily for an extra hour they would still be dependent (below the heart) for the majority of the day. Elevation at bed rest is certainly not bad, but at night when the heart and the leg veins are at the same height is when elevation is actually least necessary.


If you think you have symptoms of Varicose veins, Dr. Ricardo Ruz has the expertise and years of experience to treat them with the best possible procedures available in the industry.

Visit Dr. Ruz for a physical examination in order to consult on possible treatments for your health or esthetic concerns.

To diagnose vascular conditions, Dr. Ruz will do a physical exam, including looking at your legs while you’re standing to check for swelling. He may also ask you to describe any pain and aching in your legs. Accurate diagnosis is mandatory to define the anatomy and pathophysiology involved in the disease process.

Following the examination, Dr. Ruz will determine if the patient needs a Doppler, or if sclerotherapy treatments can start right away. He will estimate the number of treatments required.

In order to confirm a diagnosis of venous insufficiency of deep veins and to plan treatment, patients may need to have an ultrasound during their first visit.

Dr. Ruz uses high quality ultrasound transducer to allow visualization of the veins in high definition and to apply Doppler technology to measure venous reflux.

Followed the duplex, Dr. Ruz will suggest possible treatments for your health or esthetic concerns.

When you choose Dr. Ricardo Ruz, you are choosing a health care provider, who will ensure the most up to date, highest quality care available using state-of-the-art medical technologies.

Followed physical examination and in some cases ultrasound, Dr. Ruz will offer you possible treatments for your vascular conditions.

See below all possible solutions for Varicose veins condition.

The images and/or videos are not presented as a guarantee of result. The results may vary. Patients gave their consent for the publication of images and/or videos.

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Let’s start talking

If you think you have symptoms of Varicose veins, Dr. Ricardo Ruz has the expertise and years of experience to treat them with the best possible procedures available in the industry.

Traditional surgical interventions are possible, to be determined by Dr Ruz.

Visit Dr. Ruz for a physical examination in order to consult on possible treatments for your health or esthetic concerns.